Analytics Integration

AdTracks integrates with Google Analytics for your convenience, showing stats and essential data right within the reporting interfaces you’re already familiar with and enabling all of Google Analytics power features to be used on the data provided.

adtracks google analytics integration

The integration shows each call as an event and this information is pulled under Event Tracking so there is no overlap or misconfiguration within your current Google Analytics setup. See the total amount of calls (total events) for each source (event category) and for all sources combined, and also see the total minutes (event value) for all events.

Right from within Google Analtyics you’ll be able to see Caller ID’s, date of each call, and the average length of each phone call.

As a result you’ll be able to virtually instantly see which advertising channels are driving the most amount of phone calls all within a few clicks in the Google Analytics interface.

AdTracks communicates to your Google Analytics account in a safe, private manner and has no access to your account or its data itself. See our data usage policy for more information.